How to Create a Dialogue Box Using JavaScript

How to Create a Dialogue Box Using JavaScript


JavaScript dialogue boxes are a useful way to interact with users on your website or web application. They provide a simple and effective way to display information, ask for user input, and confirm actions. In this guide, we will explore the different types of JavaScript dialogue boxes and how to create them as well as the best practices for using them.

Types of JavaScript Dialogue Boxes

1. Alert Dialogue Boxes

An alert dialogue box is a simple message box that displays a message to the user. it does not allow the user to enter any input or make any selections. Here is an example of how to create an alert box;

alert("Hello, World!");

This will display a message box with the text "Hello, World!" and an OK button for the user to dismiss the message see below.

A javaScript Alert box

2. Confirm Dialogue Boxes

A confirm dialogue box allows the user to confirm or cancel an action. it displays a message and provides two buttons: "OK" and "Cancel". Here is an example of how you can create a confirm box:

if(confirm("Do you want to delete this item?")){
// Delete the item
// Do nothing

This will display a message box with the text "Do you want to delete this item?" and two buttons: "Ok" and "Cancel".

A confirm dialogue box

if the user clicks Ok, the code inside the `if` statement will be executed. if the user clicks Cancel, the code inside the `else` statement will be executed.

3. Prompt Dialogue Boxes

A prompt dialogue box allows the user to enter a value or input. It displays a message and provides an input field for the user to enter a value. Here is an example of how to create a prompt box:

let name = prompt("Please enter your name", "Guest");
if(name != null){alert("Hello, " + name + "!); }

This will display a message box with the text "Please enter your name" and an input field for the user to enter their name. The second parameter, "Guest", is the default value for the input field. If the user clicks Cancel, the value of the `name` variable will be null. If the user clicks OK, the value entered in the input field will be stored in the `name` variable.

prompt box asking for the user name

In the image below, the user entered "Timilehin" as his name

User entered Timilehin as his name

The name is shown in the alert box as written in our code.

Alert box reads "Hello, Timilehin"

Creating JavaScript Dialogue Boxes

To create a dialogue box in JavaScript, we use the window for example,

window.alert("Hello, World!");

the same can be done to confirm

javascript if(window.confirm("Do you want to delete this item?")){
// Delete the item
// Do nothing

and prompt

let name = window.prompt("Please enter your name", "Guest");
if(name != null){
alert("Hello, " + name + "!");

However, this is equivalent to the function we saw earlier, depending on your personal preference.

Best Practices for Using JavaScript Dialogue Boxes

  • Use alert() to inform users about important information or errors.

  • Use confirm() to ask users for confirmation before performing an action that cannot be undone.

  • Use prompt() only when you want to request data input that is necessary for the operation of your application.


JavaScript dialogue boxes are a powerful tool for interacting with users, but they should be used thoughtfully and sparingly to avoid overwhelming or confusing users. When using dialogue boxes, consider accessibility, design, and the purpose of the interaction.